Questions about MONEY, and your mindset
 Have you always felt uneasy about money?
 You may worry about all sorts of things, do any of these sound familiar?
 You never have enough money.?
 Money is a constant source of stress for you.?
 Money is the trigger for arguments with loved ones.?
 You often find yourself with more month left at the end of the money.?
 You feel overwhelmed by your expenses and debt.?
 You say ‘no’ to things because you feel you can’t afford them.?
 You dream about winning the lottery or being swept off your feet by a wealthy prince (or princess).?
 You feel you’re completely out of control where money is concerned.?
 You believe people only like you for your money.?
 Your friends might not like you if you make more money than them.?
 You hide your wealth because you are embarrassed by it.?
 You feel you’re destined for more but just struggling to create that reality for yourself.?
 You struggle to put yourself forward; promotions, negotiating your salary or fee, making a sales pitch to a client, or launching a new business.?
 You delay opening post for fear of what you might find.?
 You tap and pray at the checkout, hoping the payment will go through but not really knowing for sure.?
IF have said YES to ANY of these, don't delay, book on our workshop now!